Homeopathy together with allopathy – This is the best combination to treat a case of cancer. Both homeopathy and allopathy can work in different planes without interacting with each other and can handle the case.
Condition 1 – Surgery can reduce the size of tumor and then homeopathy can be taken to reduce it further and prevent its recurrence.
Note: Surgery is the best possible line of treatment, primarily. A homeopathic doctor should honestly refer the patient for surgery if the tumor is operable. As surgery can instantly reduce the tumor size, it is always given the first preference if at all the case is operable.
Condition 2 – If radiations can be given in a case, it can be followed by homeopathy which will reduce the remaining tumor size and also will help is reducing the side effects of radiations.
Condition 3 – The tumor can be treated with chemotherapy and the major side effects can be managed by homeopathy. But this is not preferable as chemotherapy alone makes the person so weak that ultimately cancer returns with a bang and takes away the life.
Allopathy reduces the tumor size but cannot destroy big tumors completely. Homeopathy easily reduces small tumors completely. So reducing the tumor size with allopathy and then destroying it completely by homeopathy is the best way out. Homeopathy will also cover the side effects of the allopathic treatment and will improve patient’s immunity, health, strength.
Preventions of cancer – Cancer is a disease which can occur is anyone with any age group, both sexes. Some are more common in females. Some happen in children. Some cancers occur in old age. Some are only seen in males.
Cancer is caused my many multiple factors. No particular cause can be detected. Various predisposing causes result in development of cancer. Major contributing factors are Hereditary, Environmental, Life Style, Diet, Bad Habits etc.
People, who get cancer, already have a tendency to have cancer. This tendency of getting a cancer cannot be diagnosed or measured or detected before time. This tendency makes its way to cause cancer by some weak points in body. These weak points are caused due to the predisposing factors mentioned above.
Preventions to these predisposing factors may keep the tendency in the dormant form and may prevent it from expressing itself to cause cancer. This may prevent or delay cancer to occur. Suppose if a person has got a tendency for cancer in him. If there are some predisposing factors of faulty diet, Genetic factors, Bad Life Style or bad habits, which cause weak points in body. Then the tendency to cause cancer will take this opportunity to express and result I cancer of that part which has become weak due to predisposing factors. Unfortunately no one can predict this possession on tendency.
Example: If a person has got the tendency of cancer. This tendency will try to make its way from any of the weak points in body. If the person smokes, he may have pulmonary cancer. If he drinks a lot or eats spicy food, he may have hepatic cancer (Liver cancer). If he is exposed to occupational hazards, he may have cancer due to that cause. If he is exposed to UV rays for a prolonged time, he may have various types of skin cancers.
Thus it is very necessary to gain knowledge about the various factors which can cause cancer. A prevention and protection against these factors will reduce the chances of having a cancer. Various carcinogens are present in the environment which causes cancer. Carcinogens are the substances which cause cancer.